The one in the left was drawn in 2011 and the other one this summer. Again, it proves my pencil skill is getting worse, and also, I am no doubt a cubist. I even made that a cubist's plaster cast.
Haven't posted my pencil drawing for a long long time. The left was drawn in 2012 and the right this spring. It seems my pencil is getting worse :(
Pencil on paper
Laocoön is a Trojan priest of Poseidon. He warned his fellow Trojans against the wooden horse presented to the city by the Greeks. 勞孔本為特洛伊城的祭司,因為不服從上帝的命令,警告特洛伊人小心希臘人別有陰謀的木馬。因而觸怒了阿波羅,阿波羅於是派出兩支海蛇去尋找找勞孔父子,並將其殺死。